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There’s a New Waxing Studio in Statesboro!

Brazil's waxing center statesboro

There is nothing more frustrating than paying top dollar for body waxing services and ending up with nothing but irritated skin and subpar results. When you place your trust in a professional company, you deserve safe and effective hair removal. Thankfully, if you live in Savannah, disappointing wax appointments are a thing of the past… read more

Our New Waxing Salon in Tampa!

Brazil's Waxing salon Tampa

Are you looking for a new waxing salon in Tampa that offers a wide variety of high-quality services? Whether you are interested in getting your unwanted hair waxed for the first time or you are tired of your current salon’s price increases, Brazils Waxing Center is here for you! We have been serving customers in… read more

Confessions Of A Wax-A-Holic

This is the memoir of a habitual shaver, now full blown wax-a-holic. The truth is…I started shaving way too early and wished someone would have warned me that shaving your hair makes it grow back in thicker and darker over time. However, the truth of the matter is I was not told this until about… read more

The History of Hair Removal

It may surprise you to learn that hair removal has been popular in one form or another for centuries. While these days, removing unwanted hair is as easy as booking an appointment with our waxing studio online, but for centuries women and men had to rely on some creative methods for removing the hair they… read more

What Excess Facial Hair on Women Means

facial wax services

At Brazils Waxing Center, we help a lot of women who have excess hair growth on their faces. While every woman has some hair on her body, it is generally fine and light. Some women experience a condition called hirsutism, which means the hair that grows on their body is coarser and darker than is… read more

The Problems with Depilatory Creams

benefits of waxing

Because so many people prefer a smooth, hairless appearance, there are many different ways to remove hair. One method of hair removal that is readily available is hair depilatory creams. These products seems to offer several different advantages: they’re inexpensive, easy to use, and can be found in most drugstores, making them easily accessible. However,… read more

Why Waxing Should Be Your New Year’s Resolution

Now that it’s 2017, it’s time to buckle down and decide on your new year’s resolutions. Many people resolve to lose weight, save money, or other committing other habits that improve their lives. One resolution that could be quite beneficial to you would be scheduling regular professional waxes at Brazils Waxing Center! The benefits of… read more

The Best Brow Shape For Your Face

face wax for women

Just like there is a haircut that flatters your face the most, there is an eyebrow shape that looks best on your face. The right eyebrow shape adds symmetry and gives you a better rested, younger-looking, healthier appearance. So how do you determine which is the best eyebrow shape for you? When you come in… read more

6 Biggest Waxing Fears

face waxing near me

At Brazils Waxing Center, we have helped many people conquer their fears and get their first professional wax. More often than not, these people end up becoming regulars because they can’t believe how they missed out on the many benefits of waxing until now! Whether you have heard a horror story from your friend who… read more

The Best Way to Remove Facial Hair

questions about waxing services

If you are a woman with unwanted facial hair, you know how frustrating, embarrassing, and annoying this problem can be. Once you notice the hair on your upper lip, cheeks, or chin, you can’t think of anything else when you look in a mirror. If you are self-conscious about your facial hair, there is good… read more