At Brazils Waxing Center in Florida, we are aware that one of the most annoying parts of hair removal is the risk of ingrown hairs developing. Many of our new clients come to us for our waxing services because they are fed up with the ingrown hairs that develop from shaving, and want to try waxing to see if it is any better. Fortunately, when you wax, you are much less likely to develop ingrown hairs, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take steps to prevent them.
What is an ingrown hair and why do they occur?
If you have never had an ingrown hair before, you are lucky (and probably well-informed about how to prevent them!). Ingrown hairs occur when hair grows back into the skin instead of above the skin. After you remove hair, you may notice little pimple-like bumps appearing; those are ingrown hairs. While it is more common for ingrown hairs to occur when you shave, if you don’t take the proper precautions, you can develop them after waxing as well. Additionally, some people are naturally predisposed to get ingrown hairs, such as people with very curly or coarse hair.

Ways to prevent them
Fortunately, taking some simple steps to prevent ingrown hairs can make a huge difference in the likelihood you will develop them.
Exfoliate before and after
Perhaps most importantly, you should exfoliate both before and after you wax. The week leading up to your appointment, make a point to exfoliate the area to be waxed each day, except the day of your appointment because it may cause additional irritation to the area. Also exfoliate after your wax, but not for the first 48 hours, as this can also inflame the skin. Use a dry brush out of the shower, and an exfoliant in the shower after cleansing with our Elate Cleanse. Then simply apply our Elate Prevent to clean, dry skin at the end of the shower. For best results, rub gently into the waxed area, leave on for about 2 minutes, then neutralize by rinsing with water and you’re all set.
Go to a professional wax studio
One of the best ways to prevent ingrown hairs is to come into a professional wax studio instead of doing the wax yourself or going to a lower quality salon. Brazils Waxing Center is a hygienic waxing salon with professional wax technicians who know how to prevent ingrown hairs like nobody’s business. By coming in for our waxing services and following waxing after-care, you put yourself at an advantage to not develop ingrown hairs.
Follow a waxing schedule
Ingrown hairs often occur when your hair is growing in at different cycles or when you wax too soon after your last wax. Ensure that your hair has grown long enough for waxing by following a regular waxing schedule. When you come into Brazils Waxing Center, we can schedule your waxes according to the best results.
Refrain from physical activity
After your wax, you want to be sure that the area doesn’t become too sweaty or wet because this will irritate the skin, leading to more ingrown hairs. Refrain from working out, having sex, or getting into a pool or hot tub for 24 hours after your wax.
Apply an aftercare serum or moisturizer
After your wax, be diligent about using an aftercare serum like our soothing Elate Repair that has harnessed the healing power of Salicylic Acid and Willow Bark to promote healthy cell growth. Salicylic Acid is an all-natural, plant derived alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) that is particularly good at removing build up and breaking down microscopic residue inside of pores. Willow bark is an ancient holistic remedy that modern scientists have proven to contain anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties, helping to promote cell recovery. After a soothing aftercare serum apply a moisturizer to avoid ingrown hairs. This softens the end of the hairs, making it less likely that they will grow into themselves. Our Elate Moisturize product is a great option for smooth post-wax skin.

Ways to treat them
Unfortunately, even when you take the preventative steps outlined above, you still may develop ingrown hairs. While ingrown hairs generally will go away on their own, there are ways you can make yourself more comfortable as the hair grows out, and ease the appearance of ingrown hairs.
Don’t pick at them
It can be tempting to pick at your ingrown hairs and attempt to pop them like pimples. This will only make them worse and may lead to scarring and/or an infection. If you do develop ingrown hairs, it is best to leave them alone and avoid scratching or picking at the area.
Soothe your skin
When you have ingrown hairs, your skin may be inflamed, red, and swollen. Soothing the skin will do a lot to ease your discomfort. Use a gentle exfoliant, such as our Elate Prevent, to slough off the dead skin cells and make it easier for the hair to come out of the skin. Then apply a gentle moisturizer to hydrate the area.
Use a home remedy
There are several home remedies that you may find helpful for ingrown hairs. Some people report that applying a drop or two of tea tree oil to the affected area reduces redness and eases discomfort. Others place black tea bags to calm the inflammation of the area. Another common home remedy to use apple cider vinegar to reduce the itchiness associated with ingrown hairs, though some may find that they need to dilute it with water if they have sensitive skin.
Wait it out
You may not want to, but time generally resolves the issue of ingrown hairs. This is because the hair continues to grow and will eventually break through the skin. If none of the above treatments work, you may simply need to wait and take steps to prevent them from coming back next time you wax.
Ingrown hairs are annoying, but when you take the proper after-care steps to prevent them and come to a hygienic waxing studio like ours, your chances of developing them are reduced. Book an appointment online today to benefit from our waxing services!